You’ve learnt about your ancestry, now use your 23andMe data to unlock your health potential.

myDNAhealth can analyse and report over 27 health and wellness areas for you.

✓ Unique approach combining DNA results with an intricate lifestyle analysis

✓ Understand your genetics in a detailed, easy-to-read report

✓ Discover individual genetic risk factors

✓ Identify specific lifestyle factors adversely impacting gene expression and future health

✓ Explore highly personalised recommendations for lifestyle, nutrition and exercise

Get started now for only £49 (save £50)


“I’ve tried out numerous 23andMe data interpreting companies. Your Comprehensive DNA Report is by far the best report I have received using my 23andMe data.

The report is well structured, there is plenty of useful information and the SNP results and descriptions are the most informative I’ve received.” – BANT Nutritional Practitioner

Comprehensive DNA and lifestyle report

We provide a unique 360° approach combining DNA results with detailed lifestyle analysis.

Actionable insights

Our clinician team provide nutritional and lifestyle support guidelines to help you prioritise areas to address.


Our clinician team analyse every report individually, providing highly personalised insights into your genetics and lifestyle.

Easy to send your 23andMe data

Download your data from 23andMe site. Then just send the file to us. Easy!


Through our exclusive combined technique of DNA testing with intricate lifestyle questionnaires, we evaluate your levels of important physiological mechanisms, such as sugar metabolism, inflammation, detoxification and nutrient deficiencies.

This in-depth knowledge arms individuals to reach an improved version of themselves, preventing many lifestyle-driven health conditions.

Nutrient Sensitivities and Requirements:
Gluten Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance
Risk for hemochromatosis
Caffeine Sensitivity

Physiology + Lifestyle:
Propensity for higher BMI
Methylation cycle
Oestrogen imbalance
Oxidative stress & antioxidant needs
Eating plan recommendation
Exercise recommendation

Physiology + Lifestyle:
Food cravings
Stress & Burnout
Blood sugar balance
Omega 3/6 balance
Saturated fat balance
Cholesterol insights


Important Information

Please be aware that, although 23andMe do provide a vast amount of SNPs, there are a few missing ones (23andMe reports as No Call) which myDNAhealth requires for the report. To resolve this issue, myDNAhealth has developed a work-around and reformulated the algorithm to provide overall risk scores in the 27 health and wellness areas covered in the report. All SNPs not provided in your 23andMe data file will be shown as No Call in the report.