Your DNA is securely destroyed as per our lab quality manual and process.
A DNA extraction used to take a whole year, luckily thanks to advances in laboratory science, we can now do the extraction in about 4-6 weeks. During this time you will be able to complete the lifestyle questionnaires that form an integral part of the final report. You will also be given a detox plan to follow in order to prepare your body.

Yes, you need to mix it up. The issue with a restricted diet are macronutrient intake and sustainability. You risk missing out on vital nutrients and meal fatigue can lead to junk food cravings. The best approach is to find out how your body processes fats and sugars, whether you have any weaknesses or how well you detoxify waste. This personalised DNA approach can lead to a healthier eating plan that helps you reach your optimal weight and wellbeing, without having to follow specific diets.
You can eat up to twice the RDA of protein provided you also eat enough alkaline fruit and vegetables to counteract the protein-derived acid. Aim for nine portions a day such as chard, kale, spinach or broccoli. However, a protein diet may give you quick slimming results but you may not be able to maintain this weight-loss in the long-term. This is because your body may not be processing carbs to aid this type of eating plan. Further, the risks change depending on the diet -an Atkins-type plan with lots of meat raises your long-term risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. The best approach is to find out how your body processes fats and sugars, whether you have any weaknesses or how well you detoxify waste. This personalised DNA approach can lead to a healthier eating plan that helps you reach your optimal weight and wellbeing, without having to follow specific diets.
There is a group of carbs that are fermentable and cause bloating and discomfort in many people. Unfortunately many people cut out things like milk or bread and may feel slightly better but rarely does it sort the issue. The issue is that this type of food group span across fruit, dairy, sugar and even some vegetables. So knowing what to eliminate is not that simple. The best approach is to find out how your body processes fats and carbs, whether you have any weaknesses or how well you detoxify waste. Together with a nutrition expert, this personalised DNA approach can lead to a healthier eating plan that helps to reduce the bloating and aids fat-loss and wellbeing.
No-one except you. All of the personal information you choose to share with us – your DNA sample, your identifying details and personal health information – is kept strictly confidential. We do not sell information, nor do we disclose any details to third parties, such as insurance companies. Your DNA is identifiable only by a barcode, so even the lab staff do not know who the sample belongs to. When the analysis has been completed, the DNA sample is physically destroyed. We do, however, keep your contact information for further communication with you.
Your health is a result of the interplay between your genes and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption. Your unique genetic makeup determines which nutrients are used and how they are used, the way toxins are removed and how effective key processes are within your body. However, by adjusting your diet and lifestyle, you can have a great impact on how your genes work, and compensate for areas where your genes are not functioning optimally.
myDNAhealth focuses on gene variations that may call for changes in diet or lifestyle to optimise your health and wellbeing. By learning more about your unique genetic make-up, you will learn to prioritise your diet and lifestyle in areas that could be of greatest benefit to your health.
No, we can only determine what types of genes people have and how they relate to certain metabolic processes involved in wellbeing. If you think you may be ill, you should consult your doctor.
If you have any questions regarding any aspect of our service, please call 0845 867 3592 or email [email protected]
The samples are taken from the inside of the cheek (Buccal swabs). It is both quick and painless.
You should care about how you process fats and sugars and whether you are cleaning out toxins and if there are any genetic weak pathways causing you to feel grumpy and sluggish. This way you can control the food you put into your mouth and correct any genetic weaknesses through personalised natural supplements for optimal weight and wellbeing. You should know whether fats and sugars are being absorbed into your bloodstream and converted into energy or being stored as fat cells causing weight gain and sluggishness. For example, if you are cycling and pick up a puncture, this still allows you to continue cycling but it will be harder and impacts your performance. The solution would be to repair the puncture. This is similar to our body which can have genetic blockages in our pathways and can be repaired through personalised supplementation and nutrients.

Hormones, circulation and, yes, genetics, all contribute to cellulite. But orange peel can also be a sign of poor liver function and a sluggish lymphatic system. So cut alcohol, coffee and refined carbs, as they put strain on your detoxifying organs. Try to eat complex carbs such as fruit, veg and brown rice and flush your system with at least 3 litres of water. The natural supplement myDNAhealth Detox also boosts circulation – take 1 before breakfast for a month.

A good night’s sleep isn’t just good for dark circles – it also gives your brain a good clear out. A recent study from the University of Rochester has revealed that a restful sleep can clear out your cerebral clutter. The findings, published in the journal Science, show that the brain’s unique method of cleansing itself – known as the glymphatic system – is highly active during sleep, clearing away toxins that would otherwise build up and trigger neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s. Further, a stressed or anxious state of mind puts strain on the body’s adrenal gland. This results in an over production of cortisol which the body stores as fat cells and one of the causes of weight gain. But what if you’re getting lots of sleep but still feel beat the following morning. It could be down to dehydration, an under active thyroid, your mood or mineral deficiency. Work out what’s stopping you snoozing by taking the myDNAhealth Sleep test to see how much you are sleep deprived and whether any natural supplements such as Reboot or Sleep can help.

Low-fat is not necessarily healthier. Not all fats are made equal and avoiding all fats could mean you’re missing out on the anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting and muscle repairing benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids. In our daily busy life’s, many people aren’t getting enough of these essential fats found in oily fish, walnuts and flaxseed. Not having enough fat also means we miss out on fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. The best approach is to find out how your body processes fats, whether you have any weaknesses or how well you detoxify waste. Together with a nutrition expert, this personalised DNA approach can lead to a healthier eating plan that puts the right food, nutrients and minerals into your body to reach your optimal weight and wellbeing.

The DNA Complete test provides information about a specific gene that governs our ability to burn up calories and utilise body fat stores. In some individuals the process works more efficiently than in others.

Today, every pharmacy, health food shop, magazine and supermarket is stacked with dietary and nutrition advice, much of it sound and beneficial. But how do you know which guidelines are relevant for you? The problem is not only the quality but the large amount of information out there. Personalised gene-based programs that are tailored to your particular nutrient and supplementation needs is more effective. For the best outcome we recommend you follow the DNA Complete plan we provide.

No, our screening is not a test for inherited disorders or inherited predisposition to disease. We do not screen for disorders caused by a defect in a single gene. Nor do we test for inherited genes linked to a specific disease. myDNAhealth focuses on the presence of gene variations that influence a person’s ability to derive maximal benefit from diet and lifestyle practices. These tests allows you to make informed choices about your diet and lifestyle that give you a better chance of staying healthy.

If you would like to receive further nutritional guidance after reading your personal DNA Complete report, consult a nutritionist, dietician or your doctor, particularly if you have been diagnosed with a food intolerance, allergy or medical condition. You can also consult our in-house nutritionist through the website. If you have additional nutritional queries concerning your personal report, please contact us at 0845 867 3592 or email [email protected]