Cravings Questionnaire
Please read each statement and make a selection that best describes how your cravings are. There is a reason for each question, but try not to spend too much time on each one, rather select your first reaction to each one.
Understanding how cravings affect your health
Food cravings are extremely common, particularly among women. Cravings are frequently reported for specific types of foods, including chocolate and foods high in both sugar and fat. Cravings for specific macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, have been thought to result from a physiological need to alter neurotransmitters in such states as eating disorders, affective disorders or obesity. However, studies of such cravings are often confounded by differing sensory properties of high and low carbohydrate foods.
There is some evidence that sweet, high fat foods are preferred by women with binge-eating disorders. Aversion to fat is seen primarily in women with anorexia nervosa. However, it is possible that changes in fat preference may be achieved through behavioral or pharmacological approaches.
An understanding of food cravings and aversions may lead to improved methods for the prevention and treatment of obesity and eating disorders.