Electrolyte Complex

Boost your brain and body with daily essential salts and minerals – kick out toxins now!

Feeling sluggish and tired? It might not be just the heat or lack of sleep. Often, it’s about something as fundamental as your body’s electrolyte levels. Introducing Electrolyte Complex – a game-changer in the world of hydration and toxin elimination. Packed in convenient one-serving sachets, Electrolyte Complex is designed to hydrate and flush out water retention, energizing and replenishing you from the first sip.

Special Offer. Just £2.00 per sachet. Pack of 12


  • Immediate hydration for optimal mental and physical cellular well-being.
  • Reduces water retention around your joints, face and hands
  • Zero sugar, no sweeteners or artificial flavours
  • Replaces minerals lost from heat, exercise or poor diet

Electrolytes are minerals in your body that carry an electric charge. They are crucial for various bodily functions, including regulating nerve and muscle function, maintaining hydration levels, balancing blood pH, and supporting overall fluid balance.

These tiny, charged particles are vital for keeping your body functioning correctly. They ensure proper communication between cells and maintain optimal health. Without a balanced level of electrolytes, you could experience significant health issues.

Electrolyte Complex provides instant hydration, essential for both mental and physical health. Whether you’re recovering from a workout or just starting your day, a sachet of Electrolyte Complex will get you hydrated fast.

Electrolyte Complex is designed to tackle water retention. Its unique formula helps reduce swelling around your ankles, knees, face, and hands, making you feel lighter and more comfortable.